Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Organic Growing with
one of the most scientifically advanced products available today! Mycorrhizae users are on the cutting edge of gardening technology. Thanks to a recent media attention, more and more people are finding out about the well-documented power of mycorrhizae.

As plant-lovers like you are seeing the amazing results possible with
a little more biology and a lot less fertilizer, word is spreading that it
is possible to have great results without adding chemicals to the environment — or to our bodies!

Once again, thank you for being part of the organic solution, and enjoy your organically Root Boosted garden!


Organic Growing Made Easy with Mycorrhizae


An eight ounce container treats 144 seedlings or 72 larger transplants for the life of the plant.

Chappy’s Power Organics • Fort Collins, CO • rob at rootbooster dot com